Peter Doherty Psychotherapy
Helpful Information
Reads, Resources & Support Services
Self acceptance, the power of love and friendship. Finding beauty in simplicity

The author imparts valuable life lessons through the boy's interactions with the animals in this story. He is able to learn not only to accept and value himself but experience the life-affirming power of love and friendship - finding beauty in simple moments in the everyday.
In crisis and need to seek help right now?
Don't hesitate in accessing key support services
I try to arrange a consultation for therapy as soon as possible; however, in the event that you may need immediate support, please consider the following services:
If you are feeling suicidal, there are people you can talk to who want to help you find some breathing space:
• Call Samaritans 24-hour support service on 08457 90 90 90
• Go to, or call, your nearest accident and emergency (A&E) department and tell the staff how you are feeling
• Contact NHS 111
• Make an urgent appointment to see your GP
Seeking therapy. How I can help you find your way
If I am not able to accommodate you in my schedule at London Marleybone W1, London Victoria SW1 or London Moorgate EC2, I have a close network of psychotherapists I can refer you to.
I may also refer you to other support services like CBT ie. if you have a phobia, which may be more appropriate for your needs.
I am happy to discuss problems around 'addiction' and the possibility of working together alongside your attendance at a recovery programme.

#ANDYSMANCLUB is a free, peer-to-peer group that provides a place for men to come together in a safe and open environment to talk about the issues or problems that they have faced or are currently facing.
When: Every Monday at 7pm
Where: Over 100 locations in the UK. See website below for full list.
How: Just turn up on Monday night before the 7pm start.